Sunday, July 27, 2008

Batman : The Dark Knight

Nolan does it again. He's directed a movie you cannot understand fully the first time you watch it and you want to appreciate the finer aspects of the movie by watching it again and again. And when it's a Batman movie which is so complex, you know what a great job it is. IMDB no.1 within 4 days of its release is no mean feat. Though it is no true reflection of a movie's greatness, what is surprising is that with more than 140000 votes the movie's rating has become more or less stable at 9.4. Now it can simply not go below Godfather, theoretically speaking.

So is the movie really that great, after all? It sure is. No doubt. Be it late Heath Ledger's performance as the Joker, or the flawless direction of Christopher Nolan, or the breathtaking visuals and action sequences, everything makes the movie a thorough entertainer. Though I haven't watched all the Batman movies, I am sure I am right when I say the movie captures the essence of Batman like no other movie prior to this has. What is most appealing is that the film resembles a regular crime movie, with the superhero element underplayed to such an extent that nothing seems unbelievable in the movie.

In the acting department, Heath Ledger stands out undoubtedly. The images of The Joker are what remain perfectly clear in your mind after watching the movie. He delivers his lines with such clarity and precision that makes his character all the more impressive. In fact, the reason one would want to watch the movie a second time would be to appreciate the finer details of the movie, apart from The Joker's portrayal. Such is the level of performance Heath Ledger has delivered. Christian Bale fits the bill perfectly and is more impressive than he was in Batman Begins. The Batman voice is a tad annoying though. Aaron Eckhart as Two-face Dent is the other important character in the film. His coin-flipping antics get a little boring(Being an Indian, one can't help wondering if Two-Face was inspired by Sholay or vice-versa) though it is one of the important concepts of the Batman comics - "The world is cruel, and the only morality in a cruel world is chance. Unbiased. Unprejudiced. Fair".

Talking about concepts, the movie also presents several issues related to philosophy/psychology, but the way they are dealt with may not be said to be really awesome or anything. There have been better attempts. However, being a Batman movie, there's less scope for it anyway. All said, it's 2 1/2 hours of pure entertainment. Though Dark Knight can't be called the best movie ever made, it certainly is and will be the best superhero movie ever made.

1 comment:

Bharani said...

i couldn't disagree with you's not the best superhero movie ever and it doesn't deserve to be at IMDB's no.1 for is good and it's due to the "shock value" of the joker's character and some stunning visuals that 14000 ppl have forgotten all about the other greats in IMDB such as nolan's own memento....

but the lanky figure of the joker with his great-swathe of forehead and broad lips is the biggest success of the wonder he might actually get nominated for the oscar posthumously...

the background score of hans zimmer - one of the most influential composers of our times, how can one forget zimmer's score in gladiator- that climbs on you slowly till it combines with the scintillating action in the movie is fantastic...

nolan could have done better in the second half, since he promised a lot in the first half with some of the coolest action scenes - the batman's bike makes you wish they show him ride it the entire movie...the second half was more plot-ridden and makes you wish he had kept it simpler...but that's nolan, we saw that in his first movie where he showed batman to be more human and fallible...

great actors like freeman, michael caine was not used quite as much as they were in the first movie, and that's because aaron eckhart had to be given more importance....

all in all...the dark knight has been left in the dark by the joker and by the complex plot....when gary oldman says that "because he's the dark knight" in the end, you wonder whether batman has actually done much in the movie....cuz he hasn't....